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Social Skills Mastery

Jun 24, 2023

Social Priming can be a helpful tool for visualizing optimum interactions and alleviating social anxiety, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. 

Priming your mind allows you to create a mental image of a calm and peaceful situation. And by imagining yourself being socially confident, you can evoke a sense of relaxation and control, helping to reduce anxiety levels. This occurs first in your mind and then more or less kicks into gear in the real world.

It creates a positive distraction from anxious thoughts and worries. And when you focus your attention on vividly imagining a pleasant social or business scenario, it can divert your mind away from anxious thoughts and help you meet more people and connect through conversation.


Free CourseThe Assertiveness Accelerator

Free Guide: The Ultimate Way to Start Conversations and Leave Them Wanting More

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The Social Priming System: The #1 Way to create your desired social outcomes

Social Confidence Pro 

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