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Social Skills Mastery

Aug 31, 2023

Have you ever been in a conversation where you something important to share, but you just couldn’t find the right words to express your thoughts? You started to speak and get tongue-tied because the words you chose just didn’t sound right.  You ended up embarrassing yourself and failed to deliver the point you intended to the person whom you wanted to impress.


If you are familiar with this situation, today’s episode will present you with a way to make big change. Episode #144 provides you with several ways to save the conversation from going sideways and also presents options for what to say to clean up your conversational act so you come away smelling like roses.


Free CourseThe Assertiveness Accelerator

Free Guide: The Ultimate Way to Start Conversations and Leave Them Wanting More

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The Social Priming System: The #1 Way to create your desired social outcomes

Social Confidence Pro 

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Essential Business Etiquette Tips: The Definitive List of "Must-Know" social rules for success with co-workers, clients, and customers