Jun 24, 2020
Many things come easily to you; the work, the problem solving, and the extended hours, just to name a few. And regardless of your ability to produce quality work, you still fear being in the spotlight and receiving the recognition you deserve. In episode 10 of The Soft Power Podcast, Susan Callender will take you...
Jun 17, 2020
If the thought of initiating a conversation seems intimidating, fear not. There are tips and tricks that can help you. Being able to initiate and maintain a conversation is important in any setting because you're then able to make yourself known in a relatable way. Whether you’re heading to a networking event or a...
Jun 10, 2020
Fear and worry exist only in your mind. Learning how to overcome persistent fear can be challenging for anyone. We are born fear-less, therefore, the condition can be unlearned by practicing self-discipline repeatedly until it goes away.
Often we fear situations that are far from dangerous, like speaking or dancing in...
Jun 3, 2020
Do you ever feel like everyone is watching you, analyzing your every move, and criticizing everything you say? Self-consciousness is a very real feeling, and you can move beyond it and Get Over It. I know this can feel very real when you live with social anxiety, but the truth is that people aren’t noticing you...