Mar 30, 2023
From time to time we all will face conversations that we anticipate to be difficult and that we want to avoid. A “difficult” conversation is one whose primary subject matter is potentially contentious and may elicit strong emotions that can be hard to predict or control.
Initiating a difficult conversation can...
Mar 23, 2023
No matter what level you’re at as a professional or an entrepreneur, a social coach can help you progress faster and farther than you would on your own. From providing a much-needed self-awareness check to helping erase blind spots and expand your network, a social coach can give you both the tools and perspective...
Mar 12, 2023
The problem with being shy in business and socially is that it limits your opportunities to network and build strong connections with people. The real issue is that it’s virtually impossible to avoid people and social settings, so you suffer extreme discomfort on a daily basis and feel uncomfortable each time you have...