Nov 24, 2021
I’ve made some pretty big choices over the past several years;
Everything that at one time scared me, I’m now doing.
The biggest, over-arching reason why we don’t take action and the steps required to change is simply that we can’t be bothered to do so.
It seems like so much effort to put yourself out there. It feels like there’s so much involved when you show up. And it’s just so much easier to stay at home, convincing ourselves that we actually like it this way.
I look at life from both sides now. I can attest to the grass being greener on the socially secure side.
Come join me!
The Inner Circle is opening soon. It’s the absolute, no B.S., best place for entrepreneurs, startups, and personal brands who are supremely good at what they do but just can’t find the courage and confidence to shout it from their soapbox.
I’ll show you how to speak up and stand out so you can make more money and create a bigger impact.
Get on the list and you’ll be the first notified when the doors open.
Have you considered one-to-one coaching to manage introversion, and move past your battle with imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, and the fear of criticism? Let’s Talk about how coaching can help you experience the joy and confidence you see in others and have always felt you too are not worthy. You are worthy! This is your time!